5 Reasons how this new Roll Cage can change your Supply Chain

Foldia XL Roll Cage Trolley

As always, Retailquip is constantly working and developing new products to maximize your Supply Chain, and now, the latest Roll Cage that we’ve developed is the Foldia XL, and we think it’s a really smart bit of kit.

Here are 5 reasons why

Reason #1 – MHE

What the Foldia XL does, is something that no other Roll Cage in this country has done before.

It can be used with almost any standard Material Handling Equipment, such as a Forklift, Pallet Jack, Wave Picker, etc and is lightweight and compact to suit your loading requirements making it extremely efficient AND gives any business the opportunity to improve their picking efficiency without any further MHE capital requirement.

With an Australian Footprint of 1150 x 775mm it offers optimal cubic truck fill making it ideal for all warehousing & stock picking operations, supermarkets, distribution and more.

Reason #2 – Reduces Costs

Although the Australian standard pallet is 1/3 more of a footprint than this roll cage, there are no sides to a pallet and typically require more cost in shrink wrapping and further risk to your product being damaged in transit.

Reason #3 – Configurations

It’s got a Smart Shelf (optional) built into it, and it folds away for easy storage.

Just like the Foldia, and Foldia Plus Roll Cages, the Foldia XL folds away easily for storage and on the Foldia XL, it has an adjustable Smart Shelf where you can slide the shelf to the required height for different loading configurations.

Simply slide the shelf up & down and select the level you need for your goods.

Reason #4 – Safety

Safety plays a huge role in any business,

The design of the Foldia XL gives the operator the ability to still see over the top of the cage as they are pushing it around the store, or warehouse to ensure they do not hit any objects, people, etc. whilst keeping a maximum load to transport the goods.


Reason #5 – Real Estate & Return Logistics

The Foldia XL has the smallest nesting increment than any other roll cage. It has a nesting increment of 5:1, so if your not using it in the store, you can save space and use less room for storing equipment instead.

This also means your Return Logistics is increased with more cages going back to the DC.

Contact Us for a Demo, or Trial

For more information about the Foldia XL, or for a demonstration or trial – contact us today on 07 3490 9600 or email us at sales@retailquip.com

Or visit our website at www.retailquip.com